Once upon a time in a little known village lived Laila and Romeo apparently unknown to each other for quite a long time. On a good romantic evening, in a mela, Romeo comes across Laila and ,love at first sight.., they fall in love with each other.As like most other pairs they used to meet secretly in fields, near lake side, exchange unspoken words through eyes but never let their elders know about their ripening love . In the course Romeo is forced to leave the village for some reasons to very far-off place but neither of them could bear the thought of being away from each other. So they agree to write to each other every three days and spend the interim days in 'sweet memories'. Months passed and they would write to each other daily instead every three. An hour delay in receiving letter from the partner and they would go desperate such was longing in them to listen form the other. Meanwhile the postman who delivers letters to Laila's village dies and his position is left unfilled. Since there was no postman there was no way that letters were exchanged. In the beginning Laila and Romeo suspected that something might have gone wrong and as days passed with still no word from the other partner they began to feel that they were dumped...and alas they gave-up their love.....
Sadly pathetic- story and my narration as well. Isn't it ?
Driving home, the point is 'writing letters', letters in hard copies. When was the last time that you/we wrote a letter to your friend, relative, parents or to your love..... Oh c'mon man I must have sure gone nuts to ask for hand written letters in this electronic generation. I myself have never written one. So what, there's something beautiful about writing letters in hand and I like it and so am asking it. Beautiful because it is beneficial and informative. To prove the beneficial aspect of it let's remember the time we were in schools attending language classes. No other part is as scoring as letter writing one. Even if you could draft the skeleton of a typical letter, date on top right corner, 'to' 'from', 'Thanking You' parts and situational 'Yours sincerely' or 'Yours truly/lovingly', you'll fetch enough marks and all you have to do is to use your imagination/talent whatever to fill the body. The informative part, I guess I needn't talk about what graphology is all about and how great a penned word conveys the emotion than a printed one. Your state is reflected in a hand written letter, the curves say it all....
Gone are the days when a matured love stuck Majnu would ink his feelings on a paper,wasting dozens of papers though

, and try hard to give it to his Juliet without being observed by his/her friends, elders lest he face troubles. Today amid people very well acquainted with e-mails,chatting, addicted with SMS I still find some who are lost at words even if it were addressing authorities asking for leaves, permissions etc..,they had even forgot the skeleton of a letter let alone the content.
My hope to preserve this 'letter' now lies solely among those school going kids. It's only among them, to still remember how to write it and perhaps bring out majnus in them.....
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