I really wonder if courts in India guard just the Laws or Justice in practise. If they are to guard only the 'laws' then better wind up them all- people and established organisaztions can do it far better. If only they are to guard Justice and values then the judicial system can be continued.
My confusion on this issue came with the recent judgements delivered by apex courts in two different issues .
The first and most concerning was the decision of the H'nble Supreme court in Ms. Mayawati's statue erection issue. The court has refused to give stay orders for the erection of the statues on the ground that it was the decision taken by the cabinet ( that it was taken in democratic process-the court meant) and so it (the court) wouldn't interfere the matter. In addition the H'nble bench advised the petitioners to resolve the case in UP High court as there were few other cases filed regarding the same.
Now the question that arises is whether one has to hail an act, however unjustified, for the sole reason that it is approved by the cabinet. Do we have to blindly let nonsensical plans to be implemented just for the one reason that a cabinet, in its discretion, formulated the activity unanimously or on majority opinion.
Many a times courts, the Supreme court in particular, have turned down decisions, ordinances made by state govts. though approved by the entire cabinet, on the grounds that they were unjust.
It is clearly seen in the present case that public money is irrationally spent on nonsensical matters.There are much more grevious tasks before the UP govt to be dealt with than the erection of those statues. I wonder why the H'nble court is concerned just about the law and not about the intensions behind the project.
Also the sort of attension , importance rather, given by the media surprises me. Had it been that a single individual unduly treated, things would have been different altogether. Prime time discussions by experts, public polls that depict the plight of the person run allday 24x7. Doesn't the media see that there are perhaps lot many people being affected by this sort of diversion of state exchequers' money. Millions of childern would have been to schools, crores of people would've got employement, developement activities could have been funded otherwise.
On the other side only recentlythe Bombay Highcourt has advised the Mumbai municipal corporation to workout on a plan to have 'NO CAR DAY' in Mumbai once a week to bring down pollution levels in the city-to make it a better place to live in. In another incident a court punished individuals for not taking care of thier parents who were old. Clearly there are no rules as such, atleast as of now, stating the pollution levels or caring parents. Still the courts considered not just laws.
Why not in all other cases then. why only adhere to 'laws'.........?
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Sunday, June 21, 2009
A friend of mine left to Mysore last night to join his new job. I went to station to bid him farewell along with my classmate through whom i came to know about this pal.
While returning from the station me 'n my classmate stopped by at some place to have a talk when i suddenly began feeling solitary n lonesome........most my close chums have left to different places either for their jobs or studies and this one was the last to go with me ending up desolated.
But why is it so.....? I've known them only since few years. yes....we have had some great unforgettable moments with each other, shared grin and gloom....but are these things enough to feel lonesome when they are leaving.
i know that we've to walk our own ways. yet, why is this sad feeling in me. Is it because i really miss them or am i being sissy or am i too reluctant to accommodate the reality.
Ooh.....more and more confusion as i think about it, so better give it up. but, whatever may it be, it feels to be good, feels to be good that i feel them as my people.
While returning from the station me 'n my classmate stopped by at some place to have a talk when i suddenly began feeling solitary n lonesome........most my close chums have left to different places either for their jobs or studies and this one was the last to go with me ending up desolated.
But why is it so.....? I've known them only since few years. yes....we have had some great unforgettable moments with each other, shared grin and gloom....but are these things enough to feel lonesome when they are leaving.
i know that we've to walk our own ways. yet, why is this sad feeling in me. Is it because i really miss them or am i being sissy or am i too reluctant to accommodate the reality.
Ooh.....more and more confusion as i think about it, so better give it up. but, whatever may it be, it feels to be good, feels to be good that i feel them as my people.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Five yr. plan
6th july 2007.....
quite another day for most people.., opportunity to check their luck...for some, chance to fulfill engineering lives by getting placed....to some folks so lured by IT mania.ppl like me...
It was the first campus placements day at our college for our batch, for which we have been trained a couple of weeks to get into the herd.
And so the day began when i woke up the alarm (which happens on rare ocassions.....) and started to make my preparations for the day.....
resumes, certificates, photographs, ironed clothes, beard shaved, shoes polished.....every thing was done and ready. mom made the routine rice and delicious dal curry though i had expected something else for that day.......
having had my breakfast and dressed up in the "recruitment uniform" i was ready to leave for college when puneet called me up on phone....i went to take the call......
"ha...puneet.....wats up bey......didn't u start yet...?"
"about to leave....by the way how are u going to college ra....?"
"well.....by auto....but why do you ask....."
"saaley are you crazy........!!? how could you possibly think of going in an auto with ironed dress......are u mad.....come to my home...we'll both go on my bike....come here quickly.....ok.."
"aaalright ......if you are so interested to spend your petrol why would i say anything......i'll be there in 10 min....ok......see you....."....and i left for his home.
That idiot had just finished his bath when i reached his home....."you aren't ready yet....!! you fool.....this is crazy man.....we are gonna be late", i said in slight frustration.
"it's only 8:00 now, saaley....,what work have you got there that you want to go early.......have to welcome the recruitment team or what?",came the reply.....
"sit and relax for a while.....i am almost done....might take 5min more.....read the news papers till then....", saying that he handed over me that day's news paper and TV remote, letting me make my choice.....
In another couple of minutes he returned with a box, took out from them some studs and after listening to his parent's suggestions and some exhaustive selection finally picked up two metallic things from the lot and came up to me.......
"chary....put these things ra....."
"ok.....but what are these ra......where do i fix them.....",i said, never having seen them before....
"they are wrist buttons bey.....they look good instead of plastic buttons....now fix them to my wrist.....and do you want them too....."
"no babu......i am fine with this "uniform".....don't need any extra decorations...."
"fine then......we shall leave now....shall we....?"
"i am waiting for that....the earlier the merrier...."......
Some of our friends had gathered by the time we reached the college and Tejas was making some point there....we joined them making the place more horrible for others to stay there.....i asked tejas as why didn't he turn up for the training session.....waiting for an obvious reply........
"not worth it ra.....i am however not goin to join the company...this is just like a back-up for me mama...."
"what is that thing bey.....looks like hologram..."
"ohh.....yes it is.....i forgot to remove it.......i buyed the shoes only couple of days before...didn't open the box till today....."
just then i saw one of my batch mate passing by...he wore a neck tie......hmmm......too good to be an employee, i thought, and minutes later saw a girl wearing a scarf......wuooh.....
wrist buttons, holograms, ties, scarf.....all flashed at once and i wondered if i accidentally walked into some designer show........
At around 10:00 we were called into the auditorium.......the HR team made some presentation about the company....talked about training,posting etc.,etc., and an hour later began the written test, people shortlisted for the interview were announced after the lunch at around 1:00pm.
During the lunch there were discussions everwhere, about possible questions being asked during the interview and we were no exception......
Rohit,our humanoid reference cleared the doubts while Amar, in his ever cool fashion, made a note now and then that we were too much into the subject.Sandy kept eavesdropping as though sneaking though keyhole of bathroom......
The results were out and the interviews began.......some time after it was my turn......curtains for the show were raised....
"excuse me sir..., may i come in?"
the interviewer was a middle aged man, stout, dressed casually......i doubted how could he probably be working in CTS.....
"yes gentleman....come in...take your seat..."
"thank you sir.....", said i, taking my seat just as we were trained to do so.....
"you are Mr.nagarjuna chary.....mind if i call you nagarjuna...."
"no problem sir...its ok"
"so nagarjuna....tell me about yourself.." and some routine questions followed, then came the slow delivery...which i played terribly......
"hmm....so...how many years will u work for CTS..,if i took you...?"
"FIVE Years....", he at once raised his head which he kept buried examining my certificates...
"damn f***k what did i say.....how could i ever give that answer...'shit..devil take my stupidity", i muttered-in myself.
there was silence for a while........he got curious at the answer as i could clearly see in his face, next one came up.....
"what will you do after five years then...?",with a smile on his face....
"sir....we were told in the introduction meeting this morning that CTS offers MBA program for its employees.....i'll pursue it and get back......."
i had no words to blame myself now.....it was apparent by now that i'll be kicked out....but hoped some miracle thing to happen.......and waited for him to speak.....
I was hit-wicket......As for him.....he made up the decision, turned his role from bowler to umpire and went to see how worst i could go further........
some irrelevant, non-sense things were asked to his delight......and the interview ended....
I narrated the story to my friends who were waiting out...some gazed at me as though they were seeing an alien........some tried to cheer me up saying that those statements of mine would be overlooked........
It was 5:30 by then, final list of selected ones would be announced at 7:00......we couldn't wait so long doing nothing.......puneet suggested playing volleyaball....we all agreed at although some ridiculed it at first........while all other students were worried about being selceted.....we six people were seen playing......everyone who saw were surprised.....it was obvious.....of the 450+ who came that day, of the 250+ who attended the interview....we six stood odd.......playing......

Time was rolling......it was 8:00, still no news from the placement cell......we were all tired, hungry....the samosas in the canteen were all sold.....At 9:30 the list was out......once again all of us were called into the auditorium.......one of them read out the names of selected ones......those were to stay back.....names were read out dept.wise.......The obvious thing i felt happened....i walked out.....
couple of days later when this issue came to discussion everyone expressed their greetings for those who were selected.....and felt sorry for those who didn't....
There were many who, i thought, would make it to, but failed.
As for with me......people who knew what i did wondered what on earth made me say those things......those who didn't know were onto the interview personnel that they weren't fair and took only few aspects into consideration.......
the real thing....i know.....the backdrop of curiosity that was brought up in his face......the foolish reply.....the FIVE YEAR plan...
quite another day for most people.., opportunity to check their luck...for some, chance to fulfill engineering lives by getting placed....to some folks so lured by IT mania.ppl like me...
It was the first campus placements day at our college for our batch, for which we have been trained a couple of weeks to get into the herd.
And so the day began when i woke up the alarm (which happens on rare ocassions.....) and started to make my preparations for the day.....
resumes, certificates, photographs, ironed clothes, beard shaved, shoes polished.....every thing was done and ready. mom made the routine rice and delicious dal curry though i had expected something else for that day.......
having had my breakfast and dressed up in the "recruitment uniform" i was ready to leave for college when puneet called me up on phone....i went to take the call......
"ha...puneet.....wats up bey......didn't u start yet...?"
"about to leave....by the way how are u going to college ra....?"
"well.....by auto....but why do you ask....."
"saaley are you crazy........!!? how could you possibly think of going in an auto with ironed dress......are u mad.....come to my home...we'll both go on my bike....come here quickly.....ok.."
"aaalright ......if you are so interested to spend your petrol why would i say anything......i'll be there in 10 min....ok......see you....."....and i left for his home.
That idiot had just finished his bath when i reached his home....."you aren't ready yet....!! you fool.....this is crazy man.....we are gonna be late", i said in slight frustration.
"it's only 8:00 now, saaley....,what work have you got there that you want to go early.......have to welcome the recruitment team or what?",came the reply.....
"sit and relax for a while.....i am almost done....might take 5min more.....read the news papers till then....", saying that he handed over me that day's news paper and TV remote, letting me make my choice.....
In another couple of minutes he returned with a box, took out from them some studs and after listening to his parent's suggestions and some exhaustive selection finally picked up two metallic things from the lot and came up to me.......
"chary....put these things ra....."
"ok.....but what are these ra......where do i fix them.....",i said, never having seen them before....
"they are wrist buttons bey.....they look good instead of plastic buttons....now fix them to my wrist.....and do you want them too....."
"no babu......i am fine with this "uniform".....don't need any extra decorations...."
"fine then......we shall leave now....shall we....?"
"i am waiting for that....the earlier the merrier...."......
Some of our friends had gathered by the time we reached the college and Tejas was making some point there....we joined them making the place more horrible for others to stay there.....i asked tejas as why didn't he turn up for the training session.....waiting for an obvious reply........
"not worth it ra.....i am however not goin to join the company...this is just like a back-up for me mama...."
"what is that thing bey.....looks like hologram..."
"ohh.....yes it is.....i forgot to remove it.......i buyed the shoes only couple of days before...didn't open the box till today....."
just then i saw one of my batch mate passing by...he wore a neck tie......hmmm......too good to be an employee, i thought, and minutes later saw a girl wearing a scarf......wuooh.....
wrist buttons, holograms, ties, scarf.....all flashed at once and i wondered if i accidentally walked into some designer show........
At around 10:00 we were called into the auditorium.......the HR team made some presentation about the company....talked about training,posting etc.,etc., and an hour later began the written test, people shortlisted for the interview were announced after the lunch at around 1:00pm.
During the lunch there were discussions everwhere, about possible questions being asked during the interview and we were no exception......
Rohit,our humanoid reference cleared the doubts while Amar, in his ever cool fashion, made a note now and then that we were too much into the subject.Sandy kept eavesdropping as though sneaking though keyhole of bathroom......
The results were out and the interviews began.......some time after it was my turn......curtains for the show were raised....
"excuse me sir..., may i come in?"
the interviewer was a middle aged man, stout, dressed casually......i doubted how could he probably be working in CTS.....
"yes gentleman....come in...take your seat..."
"thank you sir.....", said i, taking my seat just as we were trained to do so.....
"you are Mr.nagarjuna chary.....mind if i call you nagarjuna...."
"no problem sir...its ok"
"so nagarjuna....tell me about yourself.." and some routine questions followed, then came the slow delivery...which i played terribly......
"hmm....so...how many years will u work for CTS..,if i took you...?"
"FIVE Years....", he at once raised his head which he kept buried examining my certificates...
"damn f***k what did i say.....how could i ever give that answer...'shit..devil take my stupidity", i muttered-in myself.
there was silence for a while........he got curious at the answer as i could clearly see in his face, next one came up.....
"what will you do after five years then...?",with a smile on his face....
"sir....we were told in the introduction meeting this morning that CTS offers MBA program for its employees.....i'll pursue it and get back......."
i had no words to blame myself now.....it was apparent by now that i'll be kicked out....but hoped some miracle thing to happen.......and waited for him to speak.....
I was hit-wicket......As for him.....he made up the decision, turned his role from bowler to umpire and went to see how worst i could go further........
some irrelevant, non-sense things were asked to his delight......and the interview ended....
I narrated the story to my friends who were waiting out...some gazed at me as though they were seeing an alien........some tried to cheer me up saying that those statements of mine would be overlooked........
It was 5:30 by then, final list of selected ones would be announced at 7:00......we couldn't wait so long doing nothing.......puneet suggested playing volleyaball....we all agreed at although some ridiculed it at first........while all other students were worried about being selceted.....we six people were seen playing......everyone who saw were surprised.....it was obvious.....of the 450+ who came that day, of the 250+ who attended the interview....we six stood odd.......playing......

Time was rolling......it was 8:00, still no news from the placement cell......we were all tired, hungry....the samosas in the canteen were all sold.....At 9:30 the list was out......once again all of us were called into the auditorium.......one of them read out the names of selected ones......those were to stay back.....names were read out dept.wise.......The obvious thing i felt happened....i walked out.....
couple of days later when this issue came to discussion everyone expressed their greetings for those who were selected.....and felt sorry for those who didn't....
There were many who, i thought, would make it to, but failed.
As for with me......people who knew what i did wondered what on earth made me say those things......those who didn't know were onto the interview personnel that they weren't fair and took only few aspects into consideration.......
the real thing....i know.....the backdrop of curiosity that was brought up in his face......the foolish reply.....the FIVE YEAR plan...
Friday, April 3, 2009
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